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MAXIMUM SELF CONTROL — Morphic Energy Fields

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Is self-control really that important, or is it better to enjoy the moment and not concern oneself with future outcomes?

Always be in the realm of self control and always choose to build a better life and a better self ‐ ALWAYS.

Besides risking the ability to achieve long-term goals, there are other problematic issues with a lack of self-control. People who lack self-control often give in to impulsive behavior and emotions as well. This means that they may make poor choices that harm themselves or others and react poorly when they don’t get what they want.

Imagine a toddler who wants something but the parent says no. Often, the initial reaction is to behave impulsively. They may throw a tantrum and hit and scream. Toddlers are still learning to regulate their emotions and respond appropriately when things don’t go their way.

The same is true for people of all ages. Self-control is an important skill to develop because these same emotions occur in any person who feels that their needs or desires are not being met. However, a person who lacks self-control may respond in a variety of ways including with anger, physical violence or by turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms.

In other words, we want to act maturely, professionally and powerfully. Not fall prey to inner conflicts and desires. We have to be our best self.

Self-control is often used to describe a favorable character trait in people. The word is used fairly frequently, but what exactly is self-control, and why is it important?


Self-control is the war between impulsivity and doing what’s right or beneficial. It’s the ability to control emotions, impulses or behaviors to achieve a greater goal.

Self-control is the ability to control behaviors in order to avoid temptations and to achieve goals. Self-control is part of willpower, which is the ability to delay gratification and wait for a better reward or a larger goal.

Self-control is the war between impulsivity and doing what's right or beneficial. It's the ability to control emotions, impulses or behaviors to achieve a greater goal.

4 Types of self-control

°Physical movement




Self-control is about using reason to master instinct.

Self-control is the ability to control your emotions, reactions, and impulses to achieve a desirable goal. It also describes the ability to resist unhelpful urges and instincts in order to stay committed to an objective.

Self-control is a necessary skill that allows You to manage Your emotions and work well with people. Exercising this skill is essential in achieving goals, performing well within a team, and completing tasks in the workplace.

8 Easy Ways To Increase Your Self-Control

° Find more motivation. ...

° Get a good night's sleep. ...

° Self-regulate to improve self-control. ...

° Exercise to increase self-control. ...

° Get digital self-control support. ...

° Understand your emotional intelligence. ...

° Avoid decision fatigue. ...

° Set SMART goals.

° Talk clearly, simply, and often about behaviors that matter. ...

° Establish routines. ...

° Build in time for happy movement throughout the day. ...

° Call attention to attention. ...

° Make a game out of it. ...

° Encourage prosocial behaviors.


For some people, exerting self-control can feel alienating — as if they are required to suppress their true selves. This is the case, for instance, for individuals who rely more on feelings than on reason when making decisions. These individuals are less satisfied with decisions to exert self-control.

The ability to exert self-control is often referred to as willpower. It allows people to direct their attention despite the presence of competing stimuli, and it underlies all kinds of achievement, from school to the workplace.

It improves relationships as well. Self control is an appreciated asset in a relationship, especially when One end is the female side since males do generally need to improve their self control by a lot.

A person's level of self-control tends to wax and wane over the course of a day, suggesting that self-control is less like a mental capacity such as intelligence and more a fluctuating resource along the lines of physical energy.

People who lack self-control often give in to impulsive behavior and emotions as well. This means that they may make poor choices that harm themselves or others and react poorly when they don't get what they want.

The important thing is to practice overriding habitual ways of doing things and exerting deliberate control over your actions. Over time, that practice improves self-control.

People who seem to be good at self-control also tend to have good habits generally. They spend less time in tempting situations and they ensure their environment is supportive. They set positive useful routines and structure their environment to cue the behaviors they most want.

Self-controlled individuals are more adept than their impulsive counterparts at regulating their behavioral, emotional, and attentional impulses to achieve long-term goals.

An ability to override short-term impulses that conflict with long-term goals is a hallmark of successful people. Research has shown that people with strong self-control have better health, relationships, finances, and careers.

People with high self-control experience fewer temptations in their daily lives

2. Develop coping strategies for stress

When we’re stressed, self-control tends to fly out the window. Research suggests that people with greater self-control may be more effective stress controllers, which generally makes their stressful thoughts less intrusive and overpowering. Simultaneously, they tend to be better at putting themselves in supportive, low-stress situations that aid their goals and emotional well-being

An ability to override short-term impulses that conflict with long-term goals is a hallmark of successful people.

Research suggests that people with high self-control are good at avoiding temptation — and resisting it.

These fields are working on optimally developing both - both resisting and avoiding of temptation.

Resisting temptations is tiring. The resulting mental fatigue has been coined ego depletion.

Self-control draws upon a limited resource similarly to a muscle, hence the term muscle and strength model of self-control is emerging to bring self control to the surface as being like a muscle whose strength requires time and training in order to develop due to its depletion factor

Working out is scientifically proven to improve self-control. There is a direct correlation between exercise and being able to control your impulses and urges. Even if it’s just a few days a week of running, lifting weights, or doing calisthenics at home - it will make it easier to control Yourself and easier to make productive decisions—all while improving your health!

Exercise is also a good way to develop self-control in the sense that it requires you to take action and do something You probably don’t want to automatically do on Your own.

In the moment, use belly breathing when fighting intense urges. Let’s say You have a cigarette or food craving. Instead of immediately giving in, set Your phone timer to 5 minutes and focus on breathing from Your belly. Put one hand on Your stomach and slowly inhale. Feel the air entering Your chest and going down to your diaphragm. After a few minutes, the craving should dissipate.

Controlling your breathing helps You get out of your head and focus on Your body. This soothes strong urges and helps calm stress.

These fields have been created to give You the vibration of discipline, will, and self-control. These qualities allow You to direct Your life the way You truly want it to go and make the right decisions based on Your long-term goals and the best outcomes for You and not based on momentary pleasures and distractions. It allows You to control Your thoughts, emotions, actions, and use your time wisely and responsibly.

Defined more independently, self-control is the ability to regulate One's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses. Thought to be like a muscle, acts of self-control expend a limited resource. In the short term, overuse of self-control leads to the depletion of that resource.

Self-control is the ability to regulate and alter your responses to avoid undesirable behaviors, increase desirable ones, and achieve long-term goals.

Psychologists typically define self-control as:

The ability to control behaviors to avoid temptations and achieve goals

The ability to delay gratification and resist unwanted behaviors or urges

A limited resource that can be depleted

People use various terms for self-control, including discipline, determination, grit, willpower, and fortitude. Some researchers believe that self-control is partly determined by genetics, but it is also a skill you can strengthen with practice.

Self-control is one aspect of executive function, a set of abilities that helps people to plan, monitor, and achieve their goals. People with attention-deficit attention disorder (ADHD) often have characteristics linked to problems with executive function. ADHD is extensively dealt with here in order to promote life experience free from ADHD.

Three primary types of self control:

¹Impulse control refers to the ability to manage urges and impulses. People who struggle with impulse control may act first without thinking about the consequences of their actions.

²Emotional control refers to the ability to regulate emotional responses. Someone who struggles with emotional control may find it hard to manage strong emotions. They may overreact, experience lasting bad moods, and get overwhelmed by the intensity of their feelings.

³Movement control refers to the ability to control how and when the body moves. A person who has difficulty with movement control may experience restlessness and find it difficult to remain still.

Ego Depletion

Research has found that self-control is a limited resource. In the long term, exercising self-control tends to strengthen it. Practicing self-control allows you to improve it over time. However, self-control in the short term is limited.

Focusing all of Your self-control on one goal makes it more difficult to exercise your self-control on subsequent tasks throughout your day.

According to psychologist and researcher Roy Baumeister, lack of willpower is not the only factor that affects goal attainment. If you are working toward a goal, three critical components must be present:

¹There needs to be a clear goal and the motivation to change. Having an unclear or overly general goal (such as "getting stronger") and insufficient motivation can lead to failure. You are more likely to achieve a clearly defined goal (like bench-pressing 150 pounds) with a specific motivation.

²You need to track your actions toward the achievement of the goal. Simply setting the goal is not enough. You need to monitor your behavior each day to ensure that you are doing the things that need to be done in order to reach your goal.

³You need to have willpower. Being able to control your behavior is a critical part of achieving any goal. Fortunately, research suggests that there are steps people can take in order to make the most of their available willpower.

How to Regulate Your Behavior

Whether the temptation is drugs, food, or scrolling through Twitter instead of working, everyone has domains of life in which they wish they could exercise a little more willpower. How can an individual build this critical skill? Recent research points to the use of rewards, routines, and mindfulness practices as possible ways to establish better habits and regulate behavior over the long-term.

Another approach is to develop an awareness of the triggers that derail self-control. The sights and smells emanating from a neighborhood bakery as one walks by can weaken the determination to maintain a healthy diet, but taking a different route that avoids the bakery can fortify it. Strengthening willpower may not always be easy, but doing so can significantly improve health, performance at work, and quality of life.

Why are some people better at resisting temptation?

Practicing good habits is more impactful than having strong willpower. People who have better self-control rely on good habits more than willpower, which leads to better progress on overall goals.

How do You strengthen self-control?

People who think about “why” they do something are able to exert greater self-control and persist longer at a task than those who think about “how” to do something. When we know the goal we seek, rather than the means of getting there, we’re more likely to put down the slice of pie and build up willpower.

Restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires ‐ that is Self Control

What is self-control?

Self-control is the ability to control our feelings, emotions, and reactions. Many people struggle with self-control. For example, we need self-control when it comes to staying off social media while at work, sticking to a budget, and regulating our sugar intake.

Scientists continue to study the importance of self-control as a force we can tap into for a more successful, satisfying life. Luckily, there's a lot we can do to enhance these abilities.

The ability to keep disruptive emotions and impulses in check is the mark of a seasoned leader.

▪︎ Motivation to achieve each and every beneficial to You and for You goal is maximally increased. You now, always and forever maximally want, desire, imagine, see, experience and choose each and every beneficial to You and for You end goal and goal

▪︎ Maximally improve and increase Your self control

▪︎ maximal self control

▪︎ take control of Your mind and thoughts, control Your mind and thoughts, in situation of any risk and investment level - in any and every situation

▪︎ Increase the effectiveness of all Your actions in order to achieve each of Your goals with minimal effort and maximum efficiency

▪︎ Optimal perception, unity, attention, free will, acceptance, love, and intention

▪︎ Increased mental strength

▪︎ Increased attractiveness and personal magnetism with optimally powerful masculine/feminine (depending on Your choice and desire) aura and presence

▪︎ Embody all beneficial to You and for You characteristics of a true stoic.

- the ability to endure pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint. Stoicism teaches that the highest good is based on knowledge; the wise live in harmony with Divine Reason (also identified with Fate and Providence) that governs nature and are indifferent to the vicissitudes of fortune and to pleasure and pain

° Divine Reason - an universal divine reason, immanent in nature, yet transcending all oppositions and imperfections in the cosmos and humanity. An eternal and unchanging truth present from the time of creation, available to every individual who seeks it.

° Fate ‐ the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.

"fate decided his course for him"

° Providence - the care and control of God or of a force that is not human in origin

▪︎ Positive aggression (without any anger related issues)

▪︎ Enhanced Leadership qualities and traits

▪︎ Increase in energy, drive and will to succeed. Makes you more goal oriented and unable to procrastinate. You are averse to procrastination and are immune to and immune from procrastinating for any periods of time

▪︎ self-reliance and autonomy

▪︎ optimal self esteem

▪︎ be optimally comfortable in Your own shoes

▪︎ strive to improve in all facets of life

▪︎ Improve Your ability to make a rational decision in order to turn down a temptation in favor of achieving a longer-term goal.

A philosophy of personal ethics informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world. According to its teachings, as social beings, the path to eudaimonia (happiness, or blessedness) is found in accepting the moment as it presents itself, by not allowing oneself to be controlled by the desire for pleasure or by the fear of pain, by using one's mind to understand the world and to do one's part in nature's plan, and by working together and treating others fairly and justly

° Many Stoics—such as Seneca and Epictetus—emphasized that because "virtue is sufficient for happiness", a sage would be emotionally resilient to misfortune. This belief is similar to the meaning of the phrase "stoic calm", though the phrase does not include the "radical ethical" Stoic views that only a sage can be considered truly free and that all moral corruptions are equally vicious.

▪︎ Increased feelings of indifference to life events in general

▪︎ Indifference to desires

▪︎ Indifference to pain, pleasure, joy, sadness

▪︎ Freedom from negative feelings (anger, envy, jealousy - optimal transmutation of each and every negative and unbeneficial to You and for You feeling into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You)

▪︎ sexual self control

▪︎ self control in terms of celibacy (sticking to no masturbation and no sex — if it is desired and chosen by You)

▪︎ Freedom from judgements

▪︎ reach the zero point

▪︎ Increase Wisdom

▪︎ Optimal Courage

▪︎ Heighten Your sense of Justice

▪︎ Increase Temperance

▪︎ Be impeccable with Your choice of words

▪︎ Don't take anything personally, perceive it as what it is

▪︎ Don't make assumptions, seek to know and understand

▪︎ Always do Your best

▪︎ See and foster all the ways You are living an optimal life right now

▪︎ Develop optimal gratitude for the life You have and optimal appreciation for who You are

▪︎ optimally avoid, dissociate from and reject any unbeneficial to You and for You comparison with anyone

▪︎ See yourself as unique , unmatchable and irreplaceable and live Your own life and love the life You are living

▪︎ do anything and everything to the best of Your ability and have the self respect to do anything and everything to the best of Your ability

▪︎ See all the ways Your past has benefitted You and accept it completely, and love it

▪︎ Develop rational optimism — have an optimistic outlook, without ignoring the problems and their consequences - learning from every lesson instead

▪︎ See and find opportunities in all problems, all situations and every circumstance

▪︎ See all of life as a blessing

▪︎ Divine grace and timing are always on Your side, and in Your favour

° In Christianity Divine Grace means a favour of God for humankind. God favours every person, without looking at what they did or how much they are worth. This grace of God to humans may happen in the gifts that God gives him, such as creation or salvation.

° Divine timing is the universal truth that everything happens at the right moment. It's the recognition that not everything is within your control. Divine timing may occur or appear as a meaningful coincidence, gut feeling, or challenging obstacle.

▪︎ Stop rejecting life and rejecting what has already happened. Know it, understand it, learn it but don't reject it - change it.

▪︎ have everything happen in the best way for You

▪︎ Stop judging life and people - seek to understand

▪︎ Believe and expect the universe to support You anytime and every time

▪︎ Feel safe and secure within Yourself, and being Yourself

▪︎ Live life with a sense of positive anticipation, and have hope, while doing all You can to achieve Your goals and avoid failure

▪︎ be a master at anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

▪︎ Live life with a lightness of being, never taking anything too seriously

▪︎ always be serious and never underestimate anything and everything

▪︎ life is a game and You are a winner

▪︎ Know your gifts , appreciate them and grow them

▪︎ Develop a childlike sense of wonder

▪︎ Radiate positivity

▪︎ Be optimally playful and adventurous

▪︎ spike and arouse optimal beneficial to You and for You curiosity in anyone and everyone

▪︎ Ruthless ethics

▪︎ ruthless work ethic

▪︎ the inner critic becomes Your inner cheerleader and inner servant

▪︎ convert, transmute and transform all self-aggression into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

▪︎ Stop the negative claims cycle

▪︎ Stop complaining

▪︎ Stop attacking

▪︎ Harmonization with the ego

▪︎ Positive self-image

▪︎ filled with Unconditional Love for Yourself

▪︎ Unconditional acceptance of anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

▪︎ Unconditional forgiveness towards You and Yourself

▪︎ boosters so many and so powerful You will have a hard time not experiencing instant results

▪︎ .. and a lot more than the listed benefits

Steps to improve Your Self Control (AUTOMATED)

1. Find more motivation.

Motivation is important in honing self-control skills. Figuring out what motivates you the most is key to accomplishing your goals. Otherwise, what is all this work for? When you look at the bigger picture instead of every detail needed to cross the finish line, you'll find yourself more motivated to get things done.

For example, when working on a long-term project, it's easy to get frustrated by the many small steps, meetings, and approvals required to finish it. Instead, periodically reminding yourself and others on the team of the end goal can help promote motivation.

2. Get a good night's sleep.

According to an article by Medical News Today, sleep deprivation impacts our brain function, specifically the prefrontal cortex, which handles reasoning, and the amygdala, which regulates emotions.

3. Self-regulate to improve self-control.

Popular views of self-control are that we should try to control impulses, fight temptations, and actively exercise willpower. But how do you do it?

Self-regulation is a great way to increase self-control because it helps You take control of your feelings and actions. Someone who lacks self-regulation can have difficulty dealing with stress, anger, or anxiety.

Self-regulation helps You better connect to Your values and communicate what You need.

4. Exercise to increase self-control.

5. Get digital self-control support. Keeping track, being disciplined, meeting work deadlines. Accountability.

6. Understand your emotional intelligence.

Emotional self-control, or impulse control, starts with understanding emotional intelligence. Knowing yourself can help you manage your emotions and impulses.

For example, do You react impulsively to issues? Do You pause to listen to others' feedback? Are You able to stay composed and positive in stressful circumstances? Can You exercise patience in annoying situations? The ability to keep disruptive emotions and impulses in check is the mark of a seasoned leader.

Here we work to improve both the Emotional Quotient and the Emotional Competence

EQ Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.

Emotional competence is another term for emotional intelligence. It describes a person's ability to express their emotions completely freely, and it comes from emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize emotions.

7. Avoid decision fatigue.

Self-control has important implications for good decision-making. Decision fatigue harms these abilities.

For example, some people prefer not to make a decision at all, while others may make impulsive or irrational decisions. If possible, avoid making important decisions at the end of the day when your brain is exhausted. "Sleeping on it" can be very helpful - sleeping before making the decisions.

Practicing self control is tiresome and depleting.

Additionally, automation is Your ally. Put at least some aspects of life on default so you have less decisions to worry about.

8. Set SMART goals.

You can find yourself losing self-control if the task at hand seems unbearable. Setting actionable SMART goals can help you avoid being overwhelmed. "SMART" goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.

Setting achievable and realistic goals can help you build discipline to complete everyday tasks in both Your personal and professional life. Accomplishing your dreams, no matter the size, will result in higher motivation and increased self-control moving forward.

The takeaway: Self-control can be improved. Figure out what motivates you the most, keep an eye on the big picture, and establish SMART goals to reach key milestones. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with good sleep and some exercise. When you learn how to have self-control, you'll find it much easier to go about your day-to-day life both personally and professionally.

1. What is self-control?

Self-control is the ability to resist temptation and manage your impulses. It’s an important life skill that can help you achieve your goals, stay on track, and make better decisions.

2. Why is self-control important?

Self-control is important because it helps you resist temptation and make better decisions in a role of leadership. If you can’t control your impulses, you’ll be more likely to make poor decisions that could have negative consequences.

3. How can You improve self control?

There are a few things you can do to improve Your self-control, including the following:

• Set SMART goals: When you have specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, you’re more likely to stay on track.

• Find more motivation: When it comes to exercise, for example, what’s your motivation for working out? If you can find a strong enough reason to resist temptation and stick with your goals, you’ll be more likely to succeed.

• Self-regulate your emotions: If you can manage your emotions, you’ll be less likely to let them get the best of You and You would not be making impulsive decisions.

• Use positive reinforcement: Reward Yourself for making good decisions.

• Practice meditation or mindfulness: Meditation can help You better handle Your emotions and help You self-regulate during times when You would typically have less self-control.

Willpower fuels success.

Without the self-discipline to put in the "hard yards" today, the dream of a better tomorrow will always be just that. A dream. Luckily, we aren't born with a set amount of willpower. All the great ones had it, You can too.

Before we tell you the secret to magnifying your own inner strength, it's important to understand what makes the "high achieving" brain so unique.

The ability to delay immediate gratification for the sake of future consequences is an acquirable cognitive skill...

Even young students understand that they can change how they think and how they plan in ways which give them greater control over what they can do, what they can learn, and what they can become... Once you realize that willpower is just a matter of learning how to control Your attention and thoughts, then You can really begin to increase it."

"Ok, transforming my life is definitely possible. Thank you for opening my eyes to that. But probably not gonna' happen. Why? Because weakness rules my world today. What's the secret to hitting my willpower switch?"

To get the light back in Your eyes, You need to fortify your inner world. And the best way to do that? Meditation, and morphic energy fields like these You will be using due to my dedication and effort. Understanding meditation's meteoric impact on self-control starts with that big beautiful dome sitting atop Your (soon to be) chiseled shoulders. Here's how it works:

With the goal of pinpointing willpower's home address (in the brain), Caltech neuroscientists (Hare et al) had 37 dieters rate 50 pictures of food on their level of "tastiness" and "healthiness." The dieters were then hooked up to brain imaging technology and instructed to choose between a food they rated as "neutral" (e.g. wheat thins, granola) and either a "tasty" food (e.g. cheese cake, chocolate) or a "healthy" food (e.g. broccoli, celery). What did they find?

What You have to do , always, is You have to make the best choices in terms of what is best for You in the longest term.

Self-control is a complex skill that develops over time.

Self-control includes controlling impulses, emotions, and physical activity.

Common challenges like ADHD can cause self-control problems.

Self-control is part of a group of skills that allow kids and adults to manage their thoughts, actions, and emotions so they can get things done. Experts call this group of skills executive function.

As kids get older, they develop self-control in three areas:

Movement control so kids aren’t constantly moving in inappropriate ways (called hyperactivity)

Impulse control so kids put on “mental brakes” and stop and think before doing or saying something

Emotional control so kids can keep going even when upsetting or unexpected things happen

Having self-control helps kids in all areas of life. But it’s especially important when it comes to socializing. Being in control of their actions and reactions helps kids fit in and make friends.

That which applies to kids, is valid for grown adults, too.

Self-control can be defined as the ability to be in command of Your behavior and to restrain or inhibit Your impulses.

In theory, self-control can be a positive and necessary skill. People with greater self-control can often resist short-term rewards in favor of long-term goals

Does self-control have limits?

While self-control can be an essential part of goal-setting, it may also be a limited resource. Throughout the day, You generally make hundreds of decisions ranging in size and magnitude, and You may exercise willpower to follow through with each one. By the end of the evening, You may have less cognitive energy to resist temptations, such as an extra drink at happy hour or one more episode of your favorite show.

It can be possible to push through every obstacle with sheer willpower. The phenomenon of not being able to can be referred to as ego depletion, or a state of depleted willpower.

However, some sources report that people may not experience ego depletion unless they believe that self-control is a limited resource. Those who believe they possess unlimited self-control may not experience ego depletion. Therefore, mindset may play a role in how much self-control You can exercise on a daily basis.

Regardless, self control does require particular amount of energy and internal resources based off the way it is executed and the manner in which it is executed, so willpower does deplete You . However, with these morphic energy fields You will be regenerating and recovering and restoring any and all beneficial to You and for You resources and things , and any and all beneficial to You and for You resources and things You will absorb, fill Yourself with, possess, have , exploit, and increase in Yourself in order to achieve the state of being limitless and unlimited in willpower - always making sure that You are at maximum willpower.

1. Don’t face temptation: remove it

Perhaps you’ve heard someone describe how they “faced” a temptation, just like they’d face a persistent fear or challenging conversation. Deal with it. Don't let it persist and grow.

However, self-control may be better accomplished by proactively avoiding temptation. Rather than attempting to resist Your favorite dessert or retail store, this research suggests it may be best to remove the temptation altogether, so you don’t have to endure an unnecessary “face-off.” Using this strategy can save You the mental energy You may otherwise devote to fighting the temptation. Don't fight it, deal with it - directly. Do the necessary thing. Free Yourself of the shackles of addiction and temptation. Do not postpone it - do it now. With the help of these morphic energy fields, You can.


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MAXIMUM SELF CONTROL — Morphic Energy Fields

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