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VIOLET FLAME - Black Magic & Evil Eye ABSOLUTE PROTECTION — Morphic Energy Fields

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Comprises of Two Digital Mandalas , and One Audible Audio

The Violet Flame (also known as the 7th Ray or St. Germain’s Holy Fire) ia used through these fields to transmute any and all negativity, limitations and blockages in Your life into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You.

The Violet Flame is not just a ray or beam of light. It cleanses You, accelerates and enhances Your spiritual development, enhances Your physical healing, emotional healing and improves relationships. It transmutes negative into positive, revitalizing and restoring Your energy field. The roots of many diseases, negative thoughts and feelings lie in our emotional and mental body states; the Violet Flame with its transmutation and transformation power assists in healing all these issues and problems.


▪︎ 'I am the Violet Flame' EMBODIMENT and automated maximally perfect, constant and since eternity performed practice of affirming and stating 'I AM THE VIOLET FLAME' for maximum of repetitions , doing it with a hand placed on Your heart and with maximum intensity of perfect feelings and intentions


▪︎ Black Magic Removal - ABSOLUTE PROTECTION

▪︎ Everything of Yours and of Your World is now, always and forever violet, and You experience anything and everything as if it is VIOLET - the clothes You wear are VIOLET; All Your belongings are VIOLET ; Your essence is VIOLET ; Everything is VIOLET

▪︎ Intercession & Activation of Divine Presence

▪︎ the support of the sacred violet flame in order to transmute whatever needs to be transmuted so that Your soul can vibrate in light

▪︎ activates the essence of each of the statements left by Saint German

▪︎ embody and automatically be the expression and embodiment of automated maximally perfect, constant and having been affirmed and believed by You since eternity the words 'Mighty I AM in Presence ! God is with Me and in Me. My Victory is certain. I cannot fail'.

▪︎ The Violet Flame of Transmutation and The Violet Flame Temple - all benefits for You

▪︎ Connect with Master Saint Germain and Adama, High Priest of Telos

▪︎ This field creates a connection with Your conscious, subconscious and Higher Self to constantly monitor and transmute any and all negative emotions and energies in Your life, and in Your auric field.

▪︎ Saint Cyprian connection, energy, wisdom, power, favoring and blessings

The prayer of St. Cyprian is a very powerful tool for removing dark attacks , black magic, and repelling demonic entities.

The story of St Cyprian, known as ‘The Magician’, goes that he was a magician in Antioch and dealt with sorcery. One day he had a client who asked him to make through spells a young woman marry him, since she had rejected him. Convinced in his magical skill Cyprian attempted to force her through spells, and demonic attacks to marry his client but to his surprise, his magic did not have any effect. Thinking that she was a powerful magician herself, he went to visit her and ask her to teach him. To his surprise, she told him that she was not a magician but believed in God, Jesus Christ, and because of that and her strong faith magic had no effect on her. That made Cyprian abandon magic and become a Christian. He wrote powerful prayers for protection from black magic, helped by his understanding of the dark forces, who are used to this day to save people from black magic and demonic attacks.

This field has been created to contain the powerful essence of this prayer so You experience instant removal of psychic attacks, demonic attacks, and unbeneficial to You and for You spells, regardless of the source and power of the magician and the entity.

The higher understanding of the story of St. Cyprian is that the highest power is always the Creator’s. No human and no entity can compare to the Creator’s power and when we remember our Oneness with the Creator, nothing can harm us.

▪︎ The 12 Rays of Light

The 12 Rays of Light are a gift to us from our Creator. They are made up of frequency bands of electrical energy that are radiated from Source Energy. The 12 Rays of Light help us ascend into Higher Consciousness. The energy of these rays is becoming more and more intense as we move toward the Golden Age. Because of this, deeper attunements and new information are becoming available to us. An explosion of new age knowledge has become available to us and more lightworkers are answering the clarion call.

° 1st Ray of Light - The Red Ray - Divine Will - WILL AND POWER - Ascended Master El Morya






Inner power

° 2nd Ray of Light ‐ The Blue Ray ‐ LOVE AND WISDOM - Ascended Master Joshua Stone

|Helps You with writing projects

Aids in keeping You balanced

Helps to have compassion

Gain inner wisdom

Living from the heart

° 3rd Ray of Light - The Yellow Ray - Activity & Divine Intelligence - POSITIVE THOUGHT FORMS - Ascended Master Serapis Bey

|Clear thinking


Learning and Memory

Problem Solving

° 4th Ray of Light - The Green Ray - Harmony - CREATIVE FLOW - Ascended Master Paul The Venetian

|Harmonious Life

Creative Projects SUCCESS

Healing and clearing of any and all spiritual blocks

Transformation Acceleration

° 5th Ray of Light - The Orange Ray - Science & Healing - NEW TRUTHS AND UNDERSTANDINGS - Ascended Master Hilarian

|Understand Your Purpose

Develop Your inner knowing

Research Success

Healing Acceleration

Guiding light in life for the spiritual and physical

° 6th Ray of Light - The Indigo Ray - Devotion - DIVINE SOURCE ENERGY - Ascended Master Lanto

|Development of psychic gifts

Develop Your intuition

Be tolerant and non-judgmental

Emotional Balance

Speaking Your truth in a loving way

° 7th Ray of Light - The Violet Ray - Divine Magic & Ceremonial Order - HEAVEN ON EARTH - Ascended Master Lady Portia

|Transmutation and clearing


Deeper , more profound Meditation

Divine Magic Mastery

° 8th Ray of Light - The Sea Foam Green Ray - Higher Cleansing - CLEANSING LIGHT - Ascended Master Lady Nada

Cleanse Your whole being

Uplift Your emotions

Release limitations that You have created

° 9th Ray of Light - The Blue & Green Ray - Bringing Forth Joy and Light - JOYFUL ASCENSION - Ascended Master Lady Mary


Attracting Light


° 10th Ray of Light - Pearlescent - TRANSFORMATION THROUGH ACCEPTANCE - Lady and Master Andromeda

|Integrate divine energies into Your being



° 11th Ray of Light - Pink & Orange - HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS AND VIBRATION - Ascended Master Lady Kuan Yin

|Anchoring Peace


Unconditional Love

Energies of the Goddess

° 12th Ray of Light - Shimmering Gold - SURRENDER INTO DIVINE ESSENCE - Ascended Master Lady Pallas Athena

|Energy of the Christ Consciousness




▪︎ You are taken to the ashram of each and every Ray of Light that is for Your Highest Good, expanding Your consciousness while You sleep

▪︎ Activating DNA - Galactic, Arcturian, Pleiadians, Sirian, Lyran, Andromedan

1) spiritual education and psychic liberation, 2) engagement and disengagement, 3) descent and ascent, 4) death and rebirth, 5) incarnation and release, 6) coniunctio (marriage, union and spiritual illumination) 7) submission

▪︎ Automated maximally perfect, constant and having been practiced for eternity and since eternity seven ascension initiations for maximum of time and completions

▪︎ Maximally immune to and immune from the energy vampirism and vampirism of anyone and everyone

"Understanding the Seven Rays gives you the ability to see people as they are... By seeing people from different aspects, from different facets, Your understanding deepens."

- Master Choa Kok Sui

▪︎ Activate 7 sacred flames and rays of light including violet flame, resurrection fire

The Blue Ray of the Will of God.

The Yellow Ray of Illumination.

The Pink Ray of Cosmic Love.

The White Ray of Purification and Ascension.

The Emerald Green Ray of Healing and Manifestation.

The Ruby Gold Ray of Resurrection.

The Violet Ray of Transmutation.

There is only one Life and the seven basic qualities or aspects are originated from it through the diversity of forms.

These seven qualities are called the Seven Rays and are in fact the seven lifes that give life to the forms, the laws and their urge for evolution.

A Ray is referred to as a particular force or type of energy, with a certain quality that it exhibits.

"Different aspects of Truth can be seen through the Seven Rays. Each Ray sees things differently and has its own way of doing things. Each Ray has a different opinion."

-Alice Bailey

°First Ray - The energy of Will, Purpose or Power (Divine Will) - Strength - 'I will be strong, brave persevering in His service'


Strength, courage, steadfastedness, truthfulness arising from absolute fearlessness, power of ruling, capacity to grasp great questions in large minded way and of handling men and measures.


Pride, ambition, willfulness, hardness, arrogance, desire to control others, obstinacy, anger.


Tenderness, Humility, Sympathy, Tolerance, Patience

° Second Ray - The energy of Love-Wisdom (Divine Love) - Wisdom - 'I will attain the intuitional wisdom, which can be developed only through perfect love'


Calmness, strength, patience and endurance, love of truth, faithfulness, intuition, clear intelligence and serene temper.


Over absorption in study, coldness, indifference to others, and contempt of mental limitations in others.


Love, compassion, unselfishness, and energy.

° Third Ray - The energy of Active Intelligence (Divine Intelligence) - Adaptability or Tact - 'I will gain the power of saying and doing just the right thing at the right time and moment of meeting each man on his own ground, in order to help him more efficiently'


Wide views on all abstract questions, sincerity of purpose, clear intellect, capacity for concentration on philosophic studies, patience, caution, absence of tendency to worry himself or others over trifles.


Intellectual pride, coldness, isolation, inaccuracy in details, absent-mindedness, obstinacy, selfishness, over much criticism of others.


Sympathy, tolerance, devotion, energy and common-sense.

° Fourth Ray - The energy of Harmony through Conflict - Beauty and Harmony - 'I will bring beauty and harmony into my life and surroundings, that I may be more worthy of Him; I will learn to see beauty in all nature, that so I may serve Him better'


Strong affections, sympathy, physical courage, generosity, devotion, quickness of intellect and perception.


Self-centeredness, worrying, inaccuracy, lack of moral courage, strong passions, indolence, extravagance.


Serenity, confidence, self-control, purity, unselfishness, accuracy, mental and moral balance.

° Fifth Ray - The energy of Concrete Knowledge or Science - Science (detailed knowledge) - 'I will gain knowledge and accuracy, that I may devote them to His work'


Strictly accurate statements, justice (without mercy), perseverance, common-sense, uprightness, independence, keen intellect.


Harsh criticism, narrowness, arrogance, unforgiving temper, lack of sympathy and reverence, prejudice.


Reverence, devotion, sympathy, love, wide-mindedness.

° Sixth Ray Devotion - The energy of Devotion or Idealism - 'I will unfold within myself the mighty power of devotion, that through it I may bring others to Him'


Devotion, single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, reverence.


Selfish and jealous love, over-leaning on others, partiality, self deception, sectarianism, superstition, prejudice, over-rapid conclusions, fiery anger.


Strength, self-sacrifice, purity, truth, tolerance, serenity, balance and common sense.

° Seventh Ray - The energy of Ceremonial Order - Ordered Service (ceremonial magic) - 'I will so order and arrange my service of God along the lines which He has prescribed that I may be able fully to take advantage of the loving help which His Holy Angels are always waiting to render'


Strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, extreme care in details, self-reliance.


Formalism, bigotry, pride, narrowness, superficial judgements, self-opinion, over indulged.


Realization of unity, wide-mindedness, tolerance, humility, gentleness and love.


Ray 1 - Master El Morya

Ray 2 - Master Kuthumi (Koot Hoomi) , Master Christ and Master Djwhal Khul

Ray 3 - Master Paul the Venetian

Ray 4 - Master Serapis Bey

Ray 5 - Master Hilarion

Ray 6 - Master Jesus

Ray 7 - Master Saint Germain(Master Rakoczi)

▪︎ Open Your heart to the energies of the Seventh Ray

▪︎ Connect to, be blessed by, favoured by and loved by the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion - Lady Kuan Yin (also part of the Seventh Ray energies)

▪︎ Lady Kuan Yin blessings, knowledge and wisdom

▪︎ Radiate Transformation and Compassion as You continue on Your spiritual journey

▪︎ Maximally improved Physical Body

▪︎ maximally increased vitality and health of Your physical form

▪︎ encourages a sense of well-being which promotes greater self-esteem and self-confidence

▪︎ Body illnesses are now to be perceived as the purging of toxins, initiations for spiritual growth, and uncomfortable changes within Your body as You integrate elevated and all beneficial to You and for You frequencies from the higher dimensions

▪︎ Your body sensations are perceived as clues to instincts, inspiration, empathy, telepathy, and communication from Your multidimensional SELF

▪︎ Sex is now replaced with lovemaking, which can also be used as a vehicle to raise Your Kundalini

▪︎ Positive emotions of joy and love create clarity of mind and connection to Your higher guidance

▪︎ Emotions become a method of communication as Your empathy increases

▪︎ There is a growing urge to express Your emotions through creative endeavors. The feeling of fulfillment that accompanies this creative act reinforces Your need to continue it.

▪︎ a feeling of empowerment allows all negative feelings of pain, fear, guilt, and shame to surface for conscious recognition and healing

▪︎ Emotions become messages rather than problems

▪︎ The “feel” of grace and spiritual protection surrounds You as You perceive Your emotions as a force of creation

▪︎ Lovemaking becomes a shared act of empathy and deep intimate communication

▪︎ Positive self-talk progresses into communication with Your Higher Self

▪︎ Your thinking encompasses telepathy and communion with Your multidimensional awareness as Your daily consciousness integrates messages from Your unconscious and superconscious minds

▪︎ Solutions to problems are “heard” rather than “figured out” as Your thoughts become communications from portions of Your multidimensional SELF

▪︎ Thoughts are perceived as an important component of intimacy and as the structure of Your creativity

▪︎ Your behaviors reflect Your true goals as habits of self-sabotage diminish and disappear

▪︎ Behavior becomes dictated by the integration of all Your inner guidance

▪︎ habits and addictions come to the surface to be balanced and healed

▪︎ Your behavior is perceived as the “effect” of Your unconscious, conscious, and superconscious thoughts and feelings

▪︎ integrate Your multidimensional experiences into Your conscious awareness

▪︎ gauge Yourselves, not from what You do, but from who You are

▪︎ call for guidance from Spirit to assist You in fulfilling Your aspirations

▪︎ Sleep dreams are perceived as messages from Your “SELF” to Your “self”

▪︎ Aspirations come into alignment with Your Soul’s purpose and You have a sense of needing to “fulfill Your mission”

▪︎ Personal aspirations become transpersonal aspirations, and individual goals become group, family, community, national, planetary, and galactic goals as Your consciousness and sense of self expand

▪︎ Your spiritual guidance becomes clear telepathy and empathy as You develop Your ability to understand without language

▪︎ Your consciousness is expanding to encompass Your Superconscious SELF

▪︎ You are learning to integrate Your multidimensional consciousness into Your daily life as You receive continuous guidance and information from Your higher selves

▪︎ Lovemaking becomes the deepest act of telepathic communication and the vehicle to merge with another being . This merging paves the way for the eventual merging with Your Divine Complement and the conscious awareness of Your fifth dimensional realities.

▪︎ transmutation of all Your negative energies, all aspects and fragments of Your soul and spirit

▪︎ transmute any and all negative energy in Your environment

▪︎ boosters so many and so powerful that You will be experiencing instant, blatant and obvious results

... and many more unlisted benefits

Comprises of Two Digital Mandalas , and One Audible Audio

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Last updated May 12, 2024

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VIOLET FLAME - Black Magic & Evil Eye ABSOLUTE PROTECTION — Morphic Energy Fields

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