WILLPOWER – Impose Your Will - TO BE it already is — Morphic Fields Energy Fields +
Comprises of One Digital Mandala, One Silent Audio, and One Audible Audio
Headphones(BEST) and/or speakers(optional)
maximum times per usage
Morphic Fields , Energy Fields , Codes , Signatures , Programmed Energies , Scalar Waves , Subs , Energies , Intentions , Thoughtforms and more
A complex morphic tool which grows in power over and into time
There is much more set to & in this morphic field than what can be put into words here as description , experiencing it is the real thing to gauge through.
Comprises of all and every suitably specific effective programming method imaginable
Decades of expertise & knowledge & dedication & hard work has went into this. Use responsibly.
Willpower is the ability to be in control of yourself and your actions. It's the ability to say to do the right thing when needed & and also to know why you're doing the right things. It's the knowing of what you want in both the short and long-term, and guiding your actions and states to achieve everything you had planned to do.
This self improvement tool develops your inner strength and mindset in order for you to do what you want and need to do. You are to be doing more and more and in alignment with your ideals and purpose. Your beneficial to and for you actions are to be natural and truly effortless & automatic , and you are to be managing your energy & your mental health & your life.
Self-control is all about inhibiting impulses and emotions; self-regulation focuses on reducing both the intensity and frequency of those impulses.
In many ways, self-control is just a small part of self-regulation, which is much more valuable in the long run.
Self-control is the ability to control your emotions, reactions, and impulses to achieve a chosen and/or desired goal. It also refers to the ability to resist unhelpful urges and instincts to stay committed to an objective. For instance, a person that creates and commits to an appropriate meal plan exhibits self-control.
■ Most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you :
▪︎ boosts all of and any of the confidence of yours
▪︎ Persistence of a Triple Taurus
▪︎ Enthusiasm of a Triple Sagittarius
▪︎ Purva Ashadha Invincibility Mindset
☆The Purva Ashadha Invincibility Mindset refers to the belief in one's ability to overcome obstacles & achieve success & be unstoppable. This mindset is associated with the Purva Ashadha Nakshatra, which symbolizes invincibility & determination & willpower. Possessing an innate sense of confidence and inner strength with which to face and conquer all and anything and everything challenging
Adopting the Purva Ashadha Invincibility Mindset involves developing an unwavering belief in oneself and one's ability to succeed.
Includes developing & embodying & being resilience & perseverance & determination .
Being unafraid to take all and any risks at all and willing to learn from all of and any mistakes ever
▪︎ Prefrontal Cortex Development
▪︎ Repair of 'Willpower Consciousness' and expansion of it to hold more energy and 'fuel'
▪︎ Behavior and confidence of an already having-found-true-and-absolute success you
▪︎ all beneficial to and for you energies of a 'No BS Tarot Draw' (4 of Cups Reversed + King of Swords + Eight of Pentacles + Strength)
**Four of Cups Key Words:** Seizing opportunities, letting go of regret, end of stagnation, motivation, enthusiasm, being proactive, interest, focus, self-awareness, focusing on the positive, gratitude, zest for life, re-energized
**King of Swords Key Words:** Structure, routine, intelligent, rational, logical, power, authority, strength, manners, conversation, discerning, detached, cool, honesty, integrity, ethics, morals, clinical, stern, methodical, self-discipline, head over heart, use your head, military, law enforcement, legal matters, judge, father
**Eight of Pentacles Key Words:** New job, self-employment, building business, trade, reputation, craftsmanship, quality, master, expertise, hard work, commitment, dedication, concentration, success, accomplishment, ambition, confidence, financial security, results, rewards, achieving goals, attention to detail, productivity, scholarship, qualifications
**Strength Key Words:** Inner strength, courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, taming, control, overcoming self-doubt
This mix of energies can be interpreted as regaining lost motivation (Four of Cups reversed) to work diligently and patiently on personal development (Eight of Pentacles), while relying on their intellectual prowess and clear communication skills (King of Swords) to make informed decisions. If any challenges appear they will be dealt with courage and resilience, tapping into the inner strength (Strength) to overcome obstacles and grow as a person. It's an alchemy for self-improvement, determination, and the ability to learn from past experiences to make better choices moving forward, which fits perfectly what the field is designed to do.
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manages all of and any of the fears of failure of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you self-talk from your Inner Self
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manages all of and any of the Self-limiting beliefs of yours
▪︎ Top 111 'Willpower Natal Charts' all and any benefits most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you acquisition & most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you possession of
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manages all of and any of the insecurities of yours related to willpower and related to the activities that you do
▪︎ Improves your connections to all that and to anything that and everything that you really want to & desire to do in all of and any of the life of yours
▪︎ Know & believe you are completely worthy of achieving your goals and have success
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Balanced all of and any of the Glucose Levels of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — you are to be most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you using all of and any of the energy of and the time of yours most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you be the master-strategist
▪︎ Happiness alchemy of various crystals and elements so you can always keep going with a bright mindset
▪︎ Disconnection from the projections and from the unconscious thoughts related to limiting beliefs such as 'I can't do it’
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you Realization of your true potential
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you unproblematically most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manages all of and any of the challenges of and problems of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — all of and any of the Willpower of yours most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you drives & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you forces all of and any of the success of yours — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — forces you to control all of and any of your attention and of your thoughts so that you increase your willpower — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
All people seem to have firmly set boundaries of their comfort zones. When something extraordinary happens and they find themselves out of their comfort zone they are very uncomfortable and emotionally unstable.
This tool is for the prevention of & managing of that .
expands your comfort zone
minimizes & obliterates & destroys all of and any of your resistance to all and any status quo & all and any'what is'
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you see & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you perceive the perfection in & of all and anything and everything
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you frees you from all and any limiting you perspectives
▪︎ minimizes & destroys & obliterates all of and any of the 'Fears of the unknown' of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — be the best decision-maker ever — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you perfect self-control of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you be most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you competitive & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you unstoppable
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you accept & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manage & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you act on all of and any of your desires
☆Research indicates that the average person spends three to four hours a day resisting desires
▪︎ perfect self-control of all of and any of your emotions & of your thoughts
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you improves & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you optimizes & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you maximizes all of and any of your willpower & of your self-control performance — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — deliberately control all of and any of your actions in order to improve your self-control & your willpower — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manage all and any of the immediate gratifications of yours (for the sake of all and any future consequences & all and any future successes) — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you optimizes & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you maximizes & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you improves all of and any of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortexes of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you automated all and any beneficial to and for you to be automated meditation of yours — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
The ability to control your impulses is based in the prefrontal cortex of the brain.
This part of the human brain is rich in complex neural connections, allowing you to plan & exert willpower, and achieve your goals.
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manages all of and any of your impulses — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
In the brain, the limbic system is in charge of the impulses to which human beings react. Logical and rational thought are carried out by the prefrontal cortex.
When stress is allowed to continue, your limbic system takes over, inducing more impulsive responses. When stress is managed correctly, this allows for reflective and higher level goal attainments .
▪︎ makes you take inspired action in all of & any of the life of yours
▪︎ uncovers your purpose & your purposes for you
▪︎ transforms you into being indomitable
▪︎ taps into your divine power
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you destroys & obliterates & manages & converts & transmutes & transforms all of and any of your Procrastination
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you all of and any of the mindset of yours & of the behavior of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you motivated & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you inspired
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you manages all of and any of your sense of purpose & of your passion in order to most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you drive you & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you propel all of and anything of you most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you towards & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you into & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you across & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you throughout all of and any of your goals
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — Discover Your Purpose - Gain clarity and insight into your life's purpose , aligning all of and any of your actions most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you & experiencing the best sense of maximum fulfillmеnt of yours— most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Boosts & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you exponents & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you infinitizes & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you maximizes & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you optimizes & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you develops & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you upgrades all of and any of the Productivity of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Enhances & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you optimizes & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you maximizes all of and any of your abilities in order for you to focus on & to concentrate to & to stay committed to all of and any of your goals
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you forces you to achieve more & to most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you make maximum and most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you progress most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you towards & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you into all of and any of your chosen and/or desired beneficial to and for you outcomes
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you — Maintains & Establishes & promotes & develops a most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you harmonious connection with your divine essence , harnessing its guidance and support in order to most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you align all of and any of your actions with your highest good — most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you
Transform Laziness into Action: Transcend the limitations of laziness and unlock your inner potential for action, experiencing a newfound enthusiasm and energy in pursuing your aspirations.
Experience Personal Transformation: Embrace a holistic transformation that goes beyond external achievements, fostering personal growth, self-mastery, and spiritual evolution.
•Makes you Be:
•most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you - Comfortable outside your comfort zone
•most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you ‐ with a maximallyexpanded comfort zone
•Constantly improving yourself
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you informed
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficial to and for you all of and any of the financial management of yours
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you be Self-controlling & most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you self-acting
▪︎ most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you be Intrinsically motivated
Able to rally others to & into & all of and any of your causes & your actions & your goals
●Be :
• most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Persistent
•most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Committed
•most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Determined
• most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Imagination-driven
•most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you Purposeful
•most optimally to and for you most beneficially to and for you goal-achieving
▪︎ ... and more
Comprises of One Digital Mandala, One Silent Audio, and One Audible Audio
Headphones(BEST) and/or speakers(optional)
maximum times per usage
Morphic Fields , Energy Fields , Codes , Signatures , Programmed Energies , Scalar Waves , Subs , Energies , Intentions , Thoughtforms and more
A complex morphic tool which grows in power over and into time
There is much more set to & in this morphic field than what can be put into words here as description , experiencing it is the real thing to gauge through.
Comprises of all and every suitably specific effective programming method imaginable
Decades of expertise & knowledge & dedication & hard work has went into this. Use responsibly.