MAXIMUM HEALING SPEED - Morphic Energy Fields

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This tool will get You as close to instant instantaneous healing and regeneration as possible to You and doable by You. It's a challenging ride if You have never witnessed, experienced, flirted with or delved into the idea of instant regeneration (as the damage is being made to Your body = You are already healed — is the main goal). It's a power tool.

Pranic Healing and Recharging included

This field will make your body an absorbing machine for prana and light. And healing energy. It's programmed to fill all your organs, spine and brain with maximum and maximally beneficial for complete self healing - energy. All of Your organs are to be restored to their optimal state of functioning which will get Your body in an optimally healthier and more energized condition.

There is a pain reliever inside, as strong as the real world thing, be it aspirin or everything more advanced(all are in), and the program is also designed to make the process of healing a pleasant one to signify to You that healing is ongoing. It is prepared for any and all levels of pain, moderate and severe+ also.

If you want to feel Your best and be at Your highest levels of functionality and health, this program is an absolute must-have for You. And if You currently have physical injuries or damage, or old issues that have only partially healed, this program is a great way to heal them to the best of Your body's abilities to do so. It ceases full renewal of Your body and mind with the goal of everything that needs healing to be maximally healed.

You want to be able to fully heal while sleeping? Your physical body does heal during sleep...However it heals at a certain speed and is limited to Your physical bodies and emotions. These fields allow You to heal every aspect of Your being. Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It puts you at Delta wave, a trance state to heal You at a much faster speed than usual. Optimal Delta Wave state is what You will be in during sleeping and in time it will be the state You naturally enter during sleeping.

Many people have trouble sleeping or are exhausted and tired in the morning because they are unable to have Delta wave sleep long enough. Delta state is the state in which You sleep without having any dreams. This is the deepest sleep One can experience. That state gets triggered only when You are about to sleep for several hours at least.

It allows Your body to be healed to its core. You have 37.2+ trillion cells in Your body. It allows You to heal and detoxify every single of them. It can heal any issue that You have with your physical body. Any sickness can be healed with intention. After all Your sickness is a physical manifestation of Your spiritual or mental issue. This field puts You in the state of autophagy - a state where every damaged part of Your body can be healed. Whether You have skin problems, organ issues, or any disease - in any case, it has the power to heal any physical illness imaginable as it destroys all the illness from its root on the astral level. It also optimally recovers jing, shen, and chi.

▪︎ Emotional healing:

As we grow up we face many problems in life. And this can leave us emotionally drained. Relationships, family, friends and many other things can cause us trouble. Healing all painful memories of Your past and present situation gets activated anytime it is suitable for You. These fields clear all types of emotional blockage from all Your chakras and Your mind so that You can be free and live free without any fear, regret or anything bothering You emotionally . It returns You into Your true divine self which is free from all these attachments and is full of self love. You become what You truly have to be in order to be the best You could be.

▪︎ Spiritual healing:

Your aura gets cleaned and cleansed at a high dimensional level, and at all the necessary steps. Prevents energy blockage and leakage from Your energy body. Heals and grows all Your chakras and balances them accordingly. It also enhances Your energy sensitivity which allows You to get results from any field and allows You to feel energy deeply and more effectively. It also removes any cords that are connected to Your energy body and are draining Your energy or any entity that has attached to You and is debilitating You, causing it to stop doing so and LEAVE You alone, unless it is willing to serve You and be instructed by and commanded by You, not the other way around.

▪︎ any and all debility is dealt with, transformed and transmuted into what's beneficial to You and for You

▪︎ These fields have been designed to put you in a healing container of light where a tremendous force and light, akin to a waterfall, will pass through all of Your cells, then through all Your organs, glands, muscles, tendons, bones, the entire spine, and all other parts of Your body. It creates a massive energy frequency that prompts your body to regenerate itself and activate all of its natural healing processes. This involves activating all the cells and infusing them with maximum unconditional love and pure energy.

▪︎ The program fuels its own energy expenditure which would depend on many variables - it depends on what of You needs healing, how much healing is needed, how old You are, how well You eat while healing, how much You rest the parts that are healing (prevent injury from usage before being finished healing), how healthy you are in general, how much sleep you get, how much stress you're under, whether you use nicotine or alcohol or other recreational drugs/poisons/toxins, if you're taking medications that have side effects working against the program and many other factors.

▪︎ This healing program instructs Your body to safely remove all toxins, as well as retained water. The field will stimulate all systems and organs in Your body to begin working at their maximum capacity, detoxifying the body and helping it return to its optimal form. Included is programming for improved absorption of trace elements and effortless excretion of residual materials.

▪︎ There's an energetic cleansing of stuck energies from the physical body and all other bodies. A built-in health frequency is included to remind your body of this state of being. Beliefs associated with poor health are cleared from the subconscious.

▪︎ Enhanced Healing

▪︎ The automatic automated grounding programming includes walking barefoot and hugging trees, enriching your body with oxygen and nutrients. The power of the Earth element focuses on healing the nervous system, and Flower of Life helps to restore and balance it.

▪︎ Tong Ren Automated - Advanced Healing

The Tom Tam Healing System is based on the HuaTo JaJi from traditional Chinese medicine. Following Tom Tam’s research and healing practice of 10+ years, the Tom Tam Healing System was created. During his many years of practice, Tom researched the organic of the brain, cranial nerves(The cranial nerves are a set of 12 paired nerves in the back of your brain. Cranial nerves send electrical signals between your brain, face, neck and torso. Your cranial nerves help you taste, smell, hear and feel sensations. They also help you make facial expressions, blink your eyes and move your tongue), spine and their relationships to organs, body functions, hormones, blood circulation, etc. With unique and persistent effort, he has integrated Eastern and Western medical systems. Tom carefully defined the functions of each point in his system by using modern medical terms. Master Tom Tam reconfirmed HuaTo JaJi. He verified each of the original 34 points and added neck and sacrum points to bring the total number of points to 58. This new system was named the Tom Tam Healing System in 1992.

The Tom Tam Healing System can treat physical and mental conditions as well as body functions from the top of head all the way down to the toes. It is the most comprehensive and effective medical system in use today. Yet, its simplicity makes it easy to learn. This system has been used to successfully treat many difficult to treat disorders such as depression, mania, anxiety, phobia, attention deficit disorders (ADD), memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, eye disorders, blurred vision, tight neck and shoulders, itchy skin, lupus, scleroderma, fibromyalgia, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.), Muscular Distrophy (M.D.), stroke, heart burn, hepatitis, diabetes, allergies, asthma, arthritis, back pain, sciatica and all kinds of cancers, PMS, and insomnia.

▪︎ Spine – Includes the Most Important Joints

Our spine, housing the spinal cord and the central nervous system, contains the most important joints in our body. The spinal cord conducts nerve impulses between the brain and our body and organs. The spine, composed of 30 vertebrae, is divided into 5 sections according to its structure: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx. Each pair of the spinal nerves which exit the spine regulate a set of organs and control the functions of that organ.


Cervical ...(7) цервикален, шиен прешлен

Thoracic ..(12) гръдни, гръден кош

Lumbar....(5) лумбален прешлен

Sacral .....(5) сакрален, кръстен

Coccyx.....(1) опашна кост

▪︎ Pinched Nerve – A Source of Illness

When a spinal nerve is pinched , nerve impulses cannot move properly. When we examine this type of condition by pressing our thumb up at a 45° angle and toward the center of the spine, this area will be painful or sore to the touch. In most cases, a nodule, skin discoloration or abnormal skin temperature can also be found. This is called a blockage - a primary cause of chronic illness in Chinese medicine.

▪︎ HuaTo JaJi – Amazing Ancient Healing

HuaTo, one of the most famous ancient Chinese doctors, discovered and documented this system about 1,700 years ago. His system called HuaTo JaJi is comprised of 34 points on both sides of the spinal column in the chest and the lumbar area. By treating these points, HuaTo treated many difficult illnesses with great success. Unfortunately, this knowledge was lost because all of HuaTo’s books were burned in a historical event.

▪︎ This field will remove any attached entities and astral parasites, who feed off Your energy and do not allow healing to take place. Alongside that, any thoughts and feelings that those entities have given You, so an unhealthy state could be perpetuated, are removed. Feelings of being helpless, hopeless, confused, the delusion that another person will save You and that healing is an external process, any brain fog, wrong judgment, wrong choices, feeling of powerlessness, aggression, etc are removed and/or corrected.

▪︎ The fields also give you the ability to see and recognize the Truth and destroy the illusions created in You by external forces.

▪︎ It will remove all subconscious blockages to healing - Created in this or other lifetimes, ancestral beliefs, collective beliefs, implanted beliefs, etc

▪︎ Removes toxic loyalty to the family line and Your ancestors. In some families, parents transfer the responsibility of their own life to their children and through emotional abuse and manipulation force them into accepting that responsibility as their own. This field will free the person from wrongly accepted responsibility and give them the correct view of loyalty and the ability to be loyal without accepting other people’s suffering and responsibilities.

▪︎ morphic energy fields focused in the realm of providing Your body with information and energy it needs to activate its own healing processes and to transmute disharmonic energies

▪︎ These fields are tuned to make changes in the space where the "code" for the current and other incarnations is "recorded," and from there it can be rewritten and changed with the free will of the individual. By making changes at this other dimension, You will immediately manifest at the physical level and create changes in this space by assisting the body through the information it receives to obtain a different code/software


▪︎ It is an effective, non-invasive energy healing modality that enhances the natural healing ability of Your body whilst energizing and promoting overall wellness. Reiki works directly on restoring balance on all levels and works directly on the problem and condition instead of just masking or relieving symptoms


⁃ all food placed within 5-meter radius of this programming is cleared of negative energy

⁃ all food within 5-meter radius is charged with healing, beneficial frequencies

⁃ the fields work on Your body to optimize nutrition, You absorb all beneficial nutrients of all food

⁃ eliminates all toxins and non-beneficial ingredients from all the food

⁃ You absorb the optimal amount of calories/protein/fat/carbs/vitamins , etc from all the food

⁃ optimizes Your cell hydration and absorption of water

— convert, transmute and transform all post traumatic energies, including psychic trauma, physical and sexual traumas into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

— convert, transmute and transform all offensive energies, including curses, entities, cording, post-hypnotic suggestions, saboteurs, implants, energy weapons into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

— convert, transmute and transform all mental energies, including will-to-die energies, broadcast messages, despair anchors, images, black boxes into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

— convert, transmute and transform all addictive heart energies, including attractor fields, heart walls into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

— convert, transmute and transform all emotional energies, including pre-natal trapped emotions, pre-conception trapped emotions, inherited trapped emotions, heart wall emotions into anything and everything beneficial to You and for You

These fields are extremely powerful and work on all levels and even on your past and future lives. It is possible to have a healing-focused period, feel very emotional or remember past events. Eat good (a)live food, drink more pure water and don’t forget to ground yourself.

▪︎ Cleansing and purging every toxin, energetic blockage, and emotional obstruction, resetting Your body to its primal form

▪︎ Clearing obstacles to unrestrained spiritual growth

▪︎ Eliminating harmful elements from food, medicine, or any other sources

▪︎ purifying body, bone, and blood

▪︎ designed to cleanse and rejuvenate Your body, energy system, and etheric body, thus preparing You for a profound spiritual journey. Spirituality is intricately connected to biology more than we realize. The astral form of our physical organs, the chakras, play a significant role in our overall well-being.

Our seven chakras correspond to our physical organs and are often impacted by the toxins produced from the food we consume and from other elements in our environment. This leads to the creation of energetic blockages, which in turn, hampers the functioning of our major organs and chakras. For instance, the pineal gland (associated with the third eye chakra) can be blocked by fluoride.

To truly expand one's consciousness, it is crucial to eliminate these physical and energetic blockages. These blockages are the reasons many of us are unable to tap into our psychic abilities to the fullest potential. By clearing these obstacles, You pave the way for unrestrained spiritual growth, for Your illnesses are often physical manifestations of these energetic blockages.

▪︎ cleanse and purge every toxin, energetic blockage, and emotional obstruction, resetting your body to its primal form, free of unwanted chemicals. It is designed to remove any harmful elements not inherently a part of your biological and energetic system, thereby allowing all organs to function optimally and ensuring your energy body is thoroughly cleansed. It also eliminates harmful elements from food, medicine, or any other sources, purifying body, bone, and blood cell through an intense detox process.

▪︎ These fields aim to transform You into a newborn, free from harmful elements in Your body and energy system, setting the stage for You to attain Your full physical and spiritual potential. Furthermore, it may aid in healing illnesses, as they are not part of the natural system, in shedding all negative emotions in the process, and in benefitting You in other unintended ways

▪︎ You subconsciously seeking out any and all things about yourself that can be healed and then working to heal them to the best of your ability

▪︎ a goal is to get You to heal anything and everything about yourself that can be healed, whether it is mental, physical, emotional, sexual or anything else. It attempts to determine the best approach of how to heal nonphysical things and follow that path at the same time it attempts to trigger You to heal Your physical body from the DNA to cell parts to cells to tissues to organs and systems and finally the whole of Your body. It also seeks to rejuvenate, regenerate and restore whatever You are capable of rejuvenating, regenerating and restoring, and floods You with healing energy

▪︎ To help you deal with any and all fears that have resulted in any issue or condition which causes You pain or needs to be healed as a result. Some instances of physical pain that cannot be explained by physical causes can be explained as being created by a subconscious part of You that causes the pain to prevent You at a conscious level from doing something, usually something that is greatly feared by the part of You subconsciously causing the pain.

▪︎ To help You deal with and overcome any and all fears that might otherwise interfere with You being ready, willing and able to heal something that can be healed. Traumas and the like can be difficult to heal because they are sensitive and difficult to deal with. This programming here will help You move past any fears that stand in Your way so that You can work on healing even those things that You may be afraid of healing.

▪︎ to detoxify you completely in order to aid in your healing

▪︎ module active that is designed to override any and all state shifting effects that result from anything and everything You have ingested which takes You away from and disrupts the optimal state of awareness for achieving the goals of the program.

Too many people both like their drugs and complain - more than they like to achieve all the goals of this program which is what is actually beneficial to them and for them.

▪︎ The programming here comprises of a detox module which relies on your definition of "toxin" and "detoxify", it should have the effect of causing certain drugs You ingest to be removed from your system rapidly if they are identified as toxins according to your definition of a toxin

▪︎ illness can actually be caused by negative energy encountered in One's environment, especially when intentionally sent to You by someone who wishes to cause You harm. This may come to you in the form of efforts to trigger guilt, shame, fear, anger, self loathing, emotional discomfort and pain, and even direct efforts to make you sick, manipulate you emotionally or mentally, or worse .

Convert, transmute and transform any and all such programming into beneficial to You and for You programming and be automatically protected from, shielded from and transmuting any and all energies that are from those negative directions.

While you are projecting the Directional Reflection Shield, you are safe from these influences, and it allows you to have a safe, comfortable environment in which to relax and focus on healing, as well as potentially prevent some energetic causes of illness that you may be influenced by.

It is designed to provide pain (and itch) relief while it is helping You heal physically, and pain relief while it is helping you heal emotionally.

▪︎ speed up healing of damaged flesh and bone

▪︎ emotions healing

▪︎ Heal cuts, bruises, punctures, burns, sunburns, scrapes, breaks, tears, retinal detachment, crush injuries, surgical wounds, bullet wounds and all types of wounds and injuries

▪︎ Heal faster

▪︎ Heal better

▪︎ Heal more completely

▪︎ continue healing something that has stopped healing on its own, but needs more healing still

▪︎ Heal with less to no scarring

▪︎ Heal with little to no itching

▪︎ Experience minimum pain while You heal

▪︎ Optimizing Your body's healing functions

▪︎ Improving Your general physical health

▪︎ Tuning up Your body periodically, keeping You in the best possible health

▪︎ Recovering from workouts faster and with less pain

▪︎ Recovering from surgeries faster and with less pain

▪︎ Recovering from birthing children faster and with less pain

▪︎ it should potentially be helpful in getting Your body to heal, correct and improve a variety of ailments and conditions which result in physical difficulty, problems, disability, discomfort, pain or incapacitation. This should include things like diabetes, knee pain, back injuries, digestive disorders, organ disorders, lung problems and more.

▪︎ trigger and activate Your body's natural healing capacity in ways that expand what your body can heal and how well it can heal those things. It's basically helping your body to remember more of what it can heal and how it can heal itself more successfully

▪︎ scan your physical body to identify anything and everything that needs healing. Then it causes you to subconsciously prioritize those things from most important to least, and begin sequentially working to heal each of them in order for the maximum extent Your mind and body are capable of healing to manifest

▪︎ identifying and prioritizing anything and everything in Your physical body that needs to be healed

▪︎ it focuses all of Your ability on healing Yourself naturally on that one highest priority thing that needs healing and heals it as much as possible before moving on to the next lower priority thing

▪︎ keeps Your conscious mind informed as to whether or not Your body is still healing something by making the healing process consciously detectable as a pleasant sensation on Your face. This sensation will be different for everyone, and does not necessarily indicate what is being healed

▪︎ When your body is finished with whatever healing your body is capable of doing for everything on the list of things that need healing, You will stop feeling that pleasant sensation. In this way, it becomes a more convenient program to use because it lets you know when it's finished doing its job

(If you're not familiar with what an auric shield is, basically it turns Your personal energy field into a specialized defensive energy shield. In this case, the goal is to allow You to heal better and more quickly by filtering out any negative energy or influences coming Your way.)

▪︎ all the beneficial to You and for You effects of having performed and having practiced AUTOMATED GROUNDING since eternity of time for infinity of repetitions in the most beneficial to You and for You manner

Grounding is a process of direct contact with the earth, bringing balance and harmony to Your physical and subtle bodies. This practice helps You to be more fulfilled in life, feeling more comfortable and peaceful. Grounding is Your path to wholeness and sustainability.

Energies from the cosmos and Earth flow through You, and You serve as channels for their movement. If You are not grounded, the energy flowing through Your body can become unmanageable and create discomfort. Proper grounding helps to

° Balance energy flows: Upward and downward energy flows run along Your central column, parallel to the spine. Grounding improves the quality of these flows, making them free and efficient;

° Avoid energy overload: With grounding, You receive exactly as much energy as You need without overloading your system;

▪︎ an automated Tree Qigong exercise that promotes mind centering and structural alignment of Your skeleton. This allows You to remove any blockages and open the Yongquan point to the free flow of energy. Imagine putting down roots, connecting to the earth and gaining stability. The power of the mind directs energy into Your feet, creating a strong connection to the earth and allowing the free flow of energy through Your body.

Connect with mother earth and tap into the collective consciousness of all trees to gain knowledge and wisdom. Schumann Resonance, whose frequency matches the alpha rhythm of the brain, helps you achieve harmony and activate restorative processes. Tuning into thunderstorms and negative ions helps maintain healthy cellular tension levels, improving Your well-being and cognitive abilities.

▪︎ Enhanced Healing

The automatic grounding program includes walking barefoot and hugging trees, enriching your body with oxygen and nutrients. The power of the Earth element focuses on healing the nervous system, and Flower of Life helps to restore and balance it.

▪︎Energy System

“Earthing” strengthens the root chakra, integrating all polarities, and directs energy from the feet up through the lower chakras into the lower dantian. Intelligent energy distribution with Acu-Automaton helps you maintain balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

The effect is that negative and unwanted influences should simply cease, and those attempting to attack or perform the unwanted influences simply don't know why. Meanwhile, you are encapsulated within a safe space in which to heal without unwanted energy and influence efforts from others. This makes healing easier, faster, and in some cases, enables healing to become possible where it may not have been before.

It seeks to trigger your physical body to heal itself literally from the atoms up, including repairing any damaged copies of your DNA that your body can repair. At the same time, it works equally with energy for healing both your physical and non-physical bodies.

It is of course going to be useful for triggering healing from any sort of physical injury or damage faster and better than you could have otherwise. Everything from the most minor of survivable physical injuries to the most major.

It is also useful for periodic tune-ups of your physical and non-physical bodies by power-detoxing you, repairing any damage that may have accrued over time since the program was last used, repairing and cleansing your aura, and working to clear any energy blockages you have at that time.

For this reason, it is recommended that you use this program initially whether or not you have an obvious injury to heal, so that it can cleanse and repair all of the baseline issues your body is dealing with regardless.

▪︎ In some cases, a person may experience health issues because some part of their subconscious is actually and actively causing that issue in order to limit the person in specific ways.

This is typically done to prevent and avoid something that is feared or considered by that part of the subconscious to be a potential threat in some way or for some reason, or even because it believes it deserved self punishment for some reason. (The subconscious is not always rational, and sometimes comes to some very strange conclusions as to what is a threat, and how much of a threat it may be.)

If it happens to be the case for you that you are experiencing a self inflicted condition, then this program should get you to work past this condition and end the use of an artificially created health condition as an excuse to hide from or prevent something from happening or being accomplished, or for self punishment.

Optimized Healing

Maximum Healing Speed is healing You as optimally as possible. It does not focus on speed. Instead, it focuses on the quality of healing. So while you will inevitably heal faster than without this program's influence, you will not be healing "as fast as possible". We are trying to avoid itching, scarring and causing other issues by healing too fast.

Existing scars may be affected and lessened.

It is ideal for:

▪︎ Speeding up the process of healing physical damage to the body that it would normally heal.

▪︎ Speeding up post-operative healing.

▪︎ Speeding up the process of recovering from workouts and other physical stresses (like boxing matches, MMA fights, martial arts sparring, etc.) that cause soreness from micro-trauma to the muscles.

▪︎ System detox, regular maintenance, optimization and cleansing – when You don’t have anything specific you need healed.

It is NOT intended for:

Giving you an excuse to be careless with, negligent of or take poor care of your body.

Healing, treating, diagnosing or curing anything that a medical doctor is normally required for achieving those things.

Being an excuse to do anything you would otherwise not do as a matter of common sense, without this program.

It also has several secondary goals, including:

▪︎ Replace any existing scar tissue with fresh, functional, healthy tissue of the original type.

▪︎ Prevent itching during healing.

▪︎ Reduce pain during healing.

▪︎ Activate and use all of the natural healing and regenerative abilities of the body.

▪︎ Optimize the immune system for maximum healing speed as necessary according to the current conditions.

▪︎ Change beliefs that interfere with the program achieving its goals, into beliefs that cause it to achieve its goals faster and better

▪︎ Calibrate and tune all physical parts for optimal health and performance

▪︎ Rebuild and regenerate any and all damaged or missing parts to whatever degree is possible, such that the result is whole, healthy and fully functional

▪︎ Detoxify the body in order to achieve the program goals faster and better

▪︎ the energy of recovery, relaxation and complete restoration ADDED IN

▪︎ Boosters so many and so powerful You will have a very hard time not experiencing instant and obvious results

.. and more. A lot more benefits than what is listed.d.

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In the impossible cases where the program hasn't worked for You within 3 days of daily usage, You have the opportunity to message me on the email provided, and I will re-create and remake this Creation to a more powerful version, and You will be able to download it for Yourself from the Gumroad page, and get all the results from this program as promised.

Last updated Jun 8, 2024

Comprises of One Digital Mandala, One Silent Audio, and One Audible Audio

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MAXIMUM HEALING SPEED - Morphic Energy Fields

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