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Detect, discern and differentiate TRUTH from LIES, REAL from FAKE — Morphic Energy Fields

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Comprises of One Digital Mandala, One Audible Audio, and One Silent Audio

One of the most important skills and abilities in the world of today where lies come to us from all directions.

In a world filled with falsehoods, how do we identify what’s really true? How do we separate fact from fiction? How to distinguish between a truth and a lie? When we come across a new piece of information, how do we process and analyze it to find that core truth to it? How do we protect ourselves from the people that want to use us, manipulate us, control us?

Do we rely on our logic, experience and senses to give us this answer? How do you know whether it’s really 100% true or false?

Determining what’s true and what’s false is one of the most important tasks any human being faces. And one of the hardest, especially if You are a target to certain individuals. Many judge quickly using their initial instincts, feelings and inner wishes, creating their own prejudices based on what they want to believe, without considering much actual information or marshalling the facts. We know, because of our human intelligence and because of the discoveries of science, that many realities exist far beyond the limited reach of our sense organs.

In a world with countless voices claiming to have the right answer to any question, it can be challenging to separate truth from opinion. Living in an era of information overload seems to challenge our ability to separate the truth apart from lies. Our collective voice feels cacophonic, not because we don’t hear or listen, but because we haven’t fully cultivated our ability for discernment.

Our bodies are equipped with powerful accurate truth-sensing capabilities. The place where our truth—lie detector resides is the area of our body that encapsulates the throat, heart, and gut. It activates before our minds and emotions begin to tell their stories.

As You come upon new information, it helps to contrast it with what you already know to be true, or to view it through the lens of Your beliefs. This will help You see the new information more clearly as You refine Your understanding of truth.

They will play with You if You don't know the truth - the reality behind the illusions. The real purpose behind every action and occurence.

▪︎ let Your faith guide Your path beneficially to You and for You

▪︎ To live a truth-based life, use reasoned, useful fact-finding criteria —good standards of judgment for determining the difference between fact and fiction.

▪︎ Get to the truth of any and every situation maximally fast. You will in time experience the sense "all-knowing" in all situations and interests that You engage into

▪︎ see through lies ‐ see below the surface - that which is hidden . You will distinguish reality from fantasy and go beyond superficial appearances

▪︎ get a strong sense of knowing who You can trust

▪︎ attract genuine people into Your life

▪︎ reactivate and maximally improve and develop the powerful dormant accurate truth-sensing capabilities that THEY purposely eliminate at birth

▪︎ read people's body language and energy maximally , effortlessly and correctly

▪︎ accept the truth as it is no matter how much it hurts, how terrifying it is, or how hard it is for You to be aware of it. Be maximally aware of the truth. Face any and all truth. Embrace it. Adapt to it

▪︎ Establish a two-way communication with the Source of Life (God). It brings the Truth into Your life and knowledge as everything

exists in the Consciousness of God (in the information Field of the


▪︎ distinguish between and separate useful information from false information

▪︎ See Through the Veil

▪︎ See people's true intentions

▪︎ Knowing if something is good and bad or necessary and unnecessary for you

▪︎ Knowing if You should take certain actions, knowing which foods and supplements are best for You

▪︎ Dissolving all illusions and overlaps

▪︎ Protection against anyone and anything that is not in Your best interest

▪︎ Protection from people who only want to take advantage of you

▪︎ Recognize Your true purpose and receive guidance from Your higher self

▪︎ Activates all inner treasures to see, hear, perceive, and feel truth through people, news, and youtube channels

▪︎ removes everything that is preventing You from reaching Your divine potential

▪︎ See reality over perception and distinguish between the two

▪︎ You will find it easy to discover and understand all the parts of Your being and everyone around You

▪︎ maximally observant

▪︎ Your mind becomes faster in assimilating and interconnecting several types of subjects forming intelligent databases storing all the relevant information while discarding the irrelevant

▪︎ maximally understand how the system works

▪︎ maximally understand any and all people, animals and subjects

▪︎ gain maximally deep insight into Yourself

▪︎ be maximally aware of:

° where You are not in truth

° where You are deluding Yourself

° Your false premises and beliefs

° The false unnecessary inner defenses You have put up

° Your own inner selfishness , possessiveness, self centeredness, self importance

° Your perfectionism

° Where You are excessively demanding on Yourself and therefore others

° Where we desire to be helpless, when we shouldn't be

° How and where You transfer Your own inner problems by blaming others

° Where we are unwilling to change

° the illusory nature of any fear

° where and why You withdraw from life

▪︎ Face Yourself and Your fears

▪︎ Understand Your inner child

▪︎ Understand Your lower self

Humans have an innate ability to see only what they want to see, and usually for some reason they do not want to see the whole, the complete, they want to stay with small fragments and this sooner or later ends up creating problems because the truth is what sets You free - making You aware to improve.

▪︎ see the absolute truth, the real, the concrete

▪︎ see who You really are

▪︎ See beyond any veil at the level of absolute vision

▪︎ reject the veil of every concept and matter to reach the depth of that matter

▪︎ see the veil behind every veil

▪︎ see the real face of each and every person along with every of his actions and intentions

▪︎ perfectly healed and perfectly enhanced senses

▪︎ Understand the veils placed on reality

▪︎ Control the veils and pass them all

▪︎ See the veil of anything

▪︎ See, hear and feel beyond any veil

▪︎ Put aside the veil of each dimension and see each dimension with all that it contains

▪︎ Remove any veil you want

▪︎ See everything hidden and unknown

▪︎ Find each person's location with your eyes

▪︎ be able to see and foresee any and every situation and circumstance

▪︎ See anyone's and everyone's past

▪︎ connect to radio frequencies and any frequencies and absorb any and all beneficial to You and for You information

▪︎ Remove any obstacle and veil that You choose to

▪︎ Absolute understanding beyond the veil

▪︎ Connect to the time source and see every event in full detail

▪︎ See the Akashic records and get any and all beneficial to You and for You information of, from and out of it

▪︎ Activate and have any eye power You want

▪︎ see the past and future of everyone and everything

▪︎ be able to find the real location of everything

▪︎ maximally push, force, and ingratiate anyone and everyone to now, always and forever maximally speak only and all the truth to You

▪︎ from living in illusions to facing the truth

▪︎ Circumstances must be faced as they really are, and not as THEY made You believe they were, and You must see the world as it is

The favouring and blessings of the OWLS in order to now, always and forever see the truth :

▪︎ Observational Skills

° Maximal depth perception

° observe and be aware of all Your surroundings perfectly

▪︎ PERFECT Cognitive Abilities:

▪︎ Perfect problem-solving

▪︎ Perfect memory retention

▪︎ perfect cognitive, problem-solving and memory retention abilities

▪︎ maximum intelligence

▪︎ the ability to calculate the perfect timing when making decisions that can benefit You, and acting perfectly on it every time

▪︎ maximally enhanced hearing and hearing repair (You have to be able to hear those hidden truths!)

▪︎ maximally master, develop and manifest clairvoyance, claircognizance, precognition, each and every psychic power, and each and every beneficial to You and for You ability (so that the truth could not be concealed from You!)

▪︎ maximally effective truth-extracting abilities — cause, induce, persuade, force, make, incline, and ingratiate anyone and everyone to now, always and forever maximally tell, imply to, present to, and show You only the truth and all the truth

▪︎ have all the skills and abilities to speak Your truth tactfully, clearly and directly, ground Yourself and Your energy, advocate for Yourself and set healthy boundaries

▪︎ Maximally sharpen Your intuition and spiritual discernment in order to maximally identify negative, harmful, dark, malicious and deceitful energies, discern emotions and energies that aren't Yours, and recognize when anything is being projected onto You

• Maximally strengthen all Your powers and abilities in order to maximally protect Yourself, and in order to maximally benefit from and take advantage of any and all energies and spaces

Comprises of One Digital Mandala, One Audible Audio, and One Silent Audio

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Last updated May 15, 2024

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Detect, discern and differentiate TRUTH from LIES, REAL from FAKE — Morphic Energy Fields

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