NZT & CPH4 (TOP COMBINATION) - LIMITLESS { truly } Series PART 1 — Morphic Energy Fields



Comprises of One Digital Mandala, One Audible Audio and One Silent Audio.

NZT-48 is a fictional drug that unlocks the full potential of the human brain.

it actually exists, and only a select few have access to it (peopleinpower).

Firstly, NZT-48 achieves maximum neural optimization. It maximally enhances all Your synaptic connections to the maximum degree, fostering instantaneous and maximum information processing and retrieval. Imagine accessing the entirety of human knowledge with a mere thought, effortlessly and maximally synthesizing each and every concept solving any and all problems with maximum speed. NZT-48 gives You maximally enhanced neuroprotective properties. It maximally shields Your brain from oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration. Maximally heightened cognitive abilities , maximally sustained mental acuity and maximum longevity are a few of the endless benefits it gives You.

In terms of memory enhancement, NZT-48 revolutionizes the landscape. Maximally amplifies Your memory recall, it enables perfect recall, akin to effortlessly rewinding and replaying life's most intricate details with perfect clarity.

Maximum ability to store and retrieve information with absolute precision.

NZT-48 maximally augments Your creativity to maximum levels. It maximally unleashes Your full spectrum of imaginative faculties, transcending conventional boundaries of innovation. You are to experience a maximum flow of maximally ingenious ideas, unfettered by any and all inhibitions and creative blocks. Physiologically, NZT-48 optimizes all Your bodily functions in symbiosis with cognitive enhancement. It fine-tunes neurotransmitter balance, regulates hormonal fluctuations, and bolsters immune defenses. This holistic approach ensures Your peak performance on all fronts, fostering a state of maximum well-being and vitality. In essence, NZT-48 represents a paradigm shift in human potential. It maximally empowers You to maximally transcend the confines of ordinary cognition, unlocking the limitless horizons of Your mind. With its unparalleled potency and multifaceted benefits, NZT-48 heralds a new era of enlightenment and innovation.

NZT is a nootropic drug that enhances human memory and intelligence while acting as a nearly perfect antidepressant and anxiolytic. Dealers claim it unlocks 100% of the brain vs the stated only “10-20%” of our brains are normally used. It increases intelligence to superhuman levels and results in perfect recall for the extent of its activity.

NZT is thallanylzirconio-methyl-tetrahydro-triazatriphenylene, a powerful new class of psychotropic medication that merges various features of NDRI’s, NaSSA’s and SSRI’s.  NZT works, in part, by maintaining higher levels of 5-HT in the synapse while increasing norepinephrine and serotonin neurotransmission by blocking presynaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptors while at the same time blocking certain serotonin receptors.

NZT is a nitrogen-based psychotropic that impacts specific brain activity in several ways but most significantly by elevating receptivity and synaptic sharing between the hippocampus, the amygdala and the striatum.  In controlled doses, taken over the course of a relatively short period of time, NZT significantly improves both short-term and long-term memory, memory capacity, and the analytical purposing of memory.  Because it also impacts the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, NZT can improve higher brain function, hand-eye coordination, muscle memory and even the body’s immune system.

Improves memory, hand-eye coordination and a host of cognitive abilities.

You will be able to digest maximum amounts of information in a very short amount of time – a foreign language, for instance; You will be able to memorize not only maximum amounts of vocabulary but also usage rules, idiomatics, phrases, sentences and situational expressions. 

Because NZT is a new class of brain stimulant, it will minimize the need of Your brain for extended rest periods

Also, NZT may allow You to exercise for longer periods with greater efficacy.  You will feel stronger, faster, more focused. 

Most people who continue taking NZT beyond their initial seven-day regimen report other psychological and sensory enhancements including improved hearing, vision, taste and smell.  Others have reported teaching themselves how to draw or paint, construct complex machinery or experience higher levels of consciousness. 

NZT works principally by radically increasing Your brain’s ability to absorb and process information – including those related to Your senses. 

This product is maximally enhancing and is maximally boosting the following aspects of the mind:

• Mental Brilliance

• Ultra Next Level Mind

• Photogenic Mind

• Intelligence

• mental capacities

• effortlessly solving any and every problem

• uttermost mathematical skills

• abstract thinking

• peak uttermost IQ

• maximum level of logical thinking

• learn maximally rapidly and effectively

• focus maximally deeply

• visualization to manifest Your desires

• maximally enhanced sensory perception

• achieve maximum productivity levels

• maximum motivation

• attract abundance and prosperity

• highly developed Eidetic Memory

• maximal visual precision

• photographic memory

• unlimited potential of Your subconscious mind

• neurogenesis

• maximally heightened cognitive state

• Breaking free from limiting beliefs

• Mental clarity and sharpness

• unlock and liberate the dormant potential of Your mind

• free from past blockages and ready to harness Your full cognitive power

Experience the extraordinary cognitive leap.

A true vibration of the fictional 'Limitless' drug, NZT-48. The energetic imprint of the iconic NZT-48, allowing You to access the heightened cognitive state showcased in the hit movie 'Limitless'.

Just as NZT-48 expanded the realms of the human mind in the film, this field is to release the shackles of Your cognition, breaking free from any limiting beliefs and obstructions that have held You back. It's not about simply thinking better. It's about a comprehensive elevation of Your mental capacity, allowing You to tap into unexplored territories of Your intellect.


° Hypermind - You are to possess a maximum level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency. You are able to process maximum amounts of information. You are able to process a maximum number of simultaneous calculations, identify all of the variables in any situation, and rapidly cross-correlate previously accessed information

° Perfect recall - You are able to flawlessly remember and rapidly recall everything You have ever experienced . Your brain and mind has unlimited storage and analytical capacity.

° Instant learning - You are able to gather and assimilate any and all kinds of knowledge and skill and understand it fully and rapidly. You are able to read things at maximally high speeds and at maximum speeds while maximally retaining all of the information from reading and doing anything and everything

° Instant analysis - You are able to subconsciously notice, process and understand all the details of any and every stimulus. You are maximally able to perceive and understand a maximum number of cause and effect relations. You are able to Deduce the path leading to any effects, allowing You to intuitively plan, analyse, and take action efficiently . They are capable of creating functionally flawless, elaborate plans. Users can deduce the steps needed to succeed at any given task and execute them perfectly.

° Omnilingualism - You have the ability to maximally rapidly and instantly gain fluency in any and every form of communication, often becoming fluent through newly available memories of prior exposures

° Superhuman Charisma - You are a maximally eloquent speaker , orator , and story-teller. You are maximally infallibly persuasive and charismatic. You are able to maximally deduce the ideal statements for anyone and everyone. Your uncanny charisma makes You take leadership role in any and every situation.

° Superhuman dexterity - You possess perfect muscle control, You are able to perform any and all physical acts and actions perfectly

° Multitasking - You are able to maximally perform as many tasks as possible

° Superhuman sensory absorption - You maximally absorb maximum information from all types of media at a maximum rate. ° Superhuman sensory absorption - You maximally absorb maximum information at a maximum rate.

° Superhuman instincts - You possess a mind and instincts which process anything and everything in the most advanced and efficient manner. You are able to find solutions to any and all problems , using both the logical and illogical sense and strategies. You now, always and forever maximally make the perfect and most beneficial to You and for You decisions

You maximally increase Your survivability and success rate. You now, always and forever maximally achieve victory despite any and all odds.

° Hyper competence - Users can become proficient at many tasks/skills. They can handle situations and matters, regardless of the problem, situation or conflict, and they will know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

° Enhanced Synesthesia - You possess the ability to see odors and trace them down to where the smell fades or to where it is too indistinguishable from other smells to trace any further

° Limitless Intelligence - NZT-48 maximally elevates all Your cognitive functions to maximum levels, providing You with an unparalleled maximum degree of intelligence and mental acuity. The enhancement is to the maximum, You are able to effortlessly and instantly grasp and synthesize each and every concept from any and all fields of knowledge.

° Unparalleled Memory Recall - Perfect memory recall. Access any memory with absolute clarity and precision. You have a perfect , flawless and maximum database of personal experiences and acquired knowledge at Your disposal , always ready for instant retrieval.

° Enhanced Neuroprotection - NZT-48 goes beyond cognitive enhancement by offering You maximally robust neuroprotective properties. It maximally shields Your brain from oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration, ensuring Your maximally sustained mental health and longevity.

° Unparalleled Creativity: NZT-48 unleashes Your maximum creativity, enabling You to generate maximally innovative ideas and solutions effortlessly. The enhancement is not just about thinking outside the box - it's about transcending the box altogether, exploring new realms of imagination and innovation.

° Optimized Physiological Function: NZT-48 maximally optimizes all Your bodily functions and Your cognitive enhancement. It perfectly regulates Your neurotransmitter balance, hormonal fluctuations, and immune responses, fostering a state of holistic well-being and vitality.

° Rapid Learning and Adaptation: With NZT-48, learning becomes a maximally fast process. You are able to maximally absorb all information rapidly and maximally adapt to any and all situations with ease, accelerating personal and professional growth to maximum levels.

° Enhanced Decision Making - NZT-48 maximally sharpens Your decision-making skills , enabling You to make optimal choices in any and every situation. You have Maximally heightened cognitive clarity and intuition. You have maximally strategic thinking and maximally effective problem-solving.

° Heightened Focus and Concentration - Promotes maximum focus and concentration, allowing You to immerse Yourself in tasks for maximum periods of time without any distractions. This maximally heightened mental clarity enables maximally efficient multitasking and maximally rapid information processing.

° Elevated Emotional Intelligence: In addition to cognitive enhancements, NZT-48 maximally augments Your emotional intelligence, enabling You to navigate interpersonal relationships with perfect empathy, insight, and finesse. This maximally heightened emotional awareness fosters deeper and perfect connections and maximally enhances social dynamics.

° Peak Physical Performance - NZT-48 maximally enhances physical performance, providing You with maximally increased stamina, minimum fatigue, and maximally heightened reflexes. This synergy between cognitive and physical enhancement ensures Your peak performance in all aspects of life.

Even more, The programing here works to give you an effect similar to what would happen if you took a maximum dose of the (mythical version) of CPH4 - like in the movie Lucy - minus the side effects.

Similar to the NZT Effect this maximally sharpens Your mind and senses, maximally increases Your intellectual capacity, emotional intelligence, memory, abstract thinking ability and Your capacity to absorb and process any and every concept perfectly

• Makes Your brain circuitry maximally efficient while maximally speeding up electrical signaling and activity in Your brain

• maximally increases Grey Matter volume in key areas of the brain

• maximally increase BDNF in Your hippocampus

• maximally increase cerebral blood-flow

• maximally increase dopamine levels in the striatum and prefrontal areas

• maximally minimize the D2 receptor density in Your thalamus which has been shown to make people unusually creative and capable of divergent thought

• like in the movie, simulating the effect of CPH4 - pushing your mind and brain towards superhuman and transcendental intelligence

Expect to feel like You are getting a brain massage and Your mind getting lit. This works on accessing and activating unknown aspects of your brain and getting the brain to work at full capacity

• works to maximally boost Your IQ, emotional intelligence, memory, abstract thinking, capacity to learn and process any and every concept maximally efficiently while motivating and guiding You internally to focus and direct those skills towards self-empowerment, growth, success and creating a better life for Yourself

• Your brain circuitry is now, always and forever maximally efficient

• maximally increases grey matter volume anywhere and everywhere in Your brain where it is beneficial to You and for You

• maximally boosts BDNF in Your hippocampus

• It maximally increases cerebral blood-flow, maximally increases dopamine levels in the striatum and prefrontal areas.

It maximally increases mental acuity and drive but at the same time it has a relaxing and anxiolytic effect

• contains boosters and boosting properties so powerful that You will experience instant results

.. and many more unlisted benefits

Comprises of One Digital Mandala, One Silent Audio and One Audible Audio.

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In the impossible cases where the program hasn't worked for You within 3 days of daily usage, You have the opportunity to message me on the email provided, and I will re-create and remake this Creation to a more powerful version, and You will be able to download it for Yourself from the Gumroad page, and get all the results from this program as promised.

Last updated May 5, 2024

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NZT & CPH4 (TOP COMBINATION) - LIMITLESS { truly } Series PART 1 — Morphic Energy Fields

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